What Do You Mean By Latency?

Latency is the time it takes your computer or other device to respond to an action such as clicking the link. A majority of people won’t experience any difference in Spotify streaming or listening however gamers may experience problems because of latency. Satellite internet provides greater precision than wired connections. This means they will experience slower performance from games due to high packet loss rates.

The delay is the way your input is felt (in this case , an anchor) and the speed with which that input gets delivered to others. The delay can influence your responsiveness when you play online video games or watch YouTube videos online. This is because they aren’t always 100 100% accurate in timing because of their speed when compared to fiber optic cables.

What Causes Latency?

Gamers and users who prefer being able to access their favourite content from any place anytime, are affected by latency. The factors that affect your latency include distance between your computer and the server, along with other factors such as connectivity to the internet or Wi-Fi’s strength (or lack thereof). There are a myriad of router/modem combos available these days. If you think it’s a bit complicated initially, do not fret because we’re going detail each component in this article.


Latency refers to the time it takes for information from one location to reach the next. This is how far your computer is from the server(s) that provide the information required by your machine. If it’s not dissimilar enough, then you will notice an increase in latency.

Propagation Delay

Propagation delay, the main factor that determines the amount of latency you experience when browsing on your device is vital. This affects all other measures of bandwidth and connection speed like download speeds (which rely on receiving data packets from where they came from) as well as uploads, which depend upon having an enabled network card the same applies to wirelessly connecting.

The types of Internet Connection

There is a significant distinction in latency between various internet connections. Cable, DSL and fiber all have lower latency that satellite. Satellite’s technology means it requires more space to transmission. This means more lengthy wait times as well as greater buffering capability on sites you wish to access for audio or videos.

What’s on a Website

Did you click on a hyperlink then waited to wait for the page to load and then clicked it again? The reason is that the Angelfire site was too complicated. They glued The Office memes all over it, and every time go there it takes longer than it normally does.

Your browser needs to download large files, like videos or HD images when you visit a website. There will be latency due to the fact they could be hosted on an external server.

For more information, click high latency

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